A Facilitators' Bibliography
by Paul Collins - Jordan-Webb
pcollins@jordan-webb.net  -  (773) 463-2288
Facilitatating with Technology and Groupware Collaboration/Teamwork/Participation
Leadership/Management Development Communication/Networking
Organization Development/Change/Etc. Creativity/Innovation/Thinking
Decision Making/Negotiating/Problem Solving Faciltation - Methods & Techniques
Business/Marketing Strategy Planning Quality
Humor, Insipration, Success Games & Group Activities

On Facilitating with Technology and Groupware (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Technology and Applications
Jay Nunamaker, 
Robert Briggs 
& Daniel Mittleman
Chapter 6 (Electronic Meeting Systems: Ten Years of Lessons Learned)
0-13-305194-3 1995, Prentice-Hall
Technology and Applications
Carl Di Pietro
Chapter 15 (Meetingware and Organizational Effectiveness)
0-13-305194-3 1995, Prentice-Hall
Enhancing Productivity in Networked Organizations
by Susanna Opper 
& Henry Fersko-Weiss
0-442-23928-9 1992, Van Nordstrand Reinhold
Introduction to ELECTRONIC MEETINGS by Alan Weatherall 
& Jay Nunamaker
0-9526525-0-1 1995, Ventana Corporation
Getting Results from ELECTRONIC MEETINGS by Alan Weatherall 
& Jay Nunamaker
0-9526525-1-X 1999, St Richard's Press Ltd
Connected Executives by Bernie DeKoven 0-9625834-0-5 1990, Institute for Better Meetings
Mastering Meetings 3-M Meeting Management Team 0-07-031038-6 1994, McGraw-Hill
Group Decision Support Systems for Effective Decision Making Robert Thierauf 0-89930-409-5 1989, Greenwood Press

On Facilitation - Methodologies & Techniques (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
The Secrets of Facilitation - The S.M.A.R.T. Guide to Getting Results with Groups Michael Wilkinson 0-7879-7578-8 2004, Jossey-Bass
Star Team Dynamics - 12 Lessons Learned From Experienced Team Builders Janelle Brittain 1-886939-28-4 1999, Oakhill Press
Joint Application Development (JAD) Jane Wood 
& Denise Silver
0-471-04299-4 1995, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Business Reengineering - The Survival Guide Dorine C Andrews 
& Susan Stalick
0-13-014853-9 1994, Prentice-Hall
Fusion - Integrating IE, CASE and JAD: A Handbook for Reengineering the Systems Organization Dorine C Andrews 
& Naomi S Leventhal
01-13-325333-3 1993, Yourdon Press
Mastering Meetings 3-M Meeting Management Team 0-07-031038-6 1994, McGraw-Hill
We’ve Got to Start Meeting Like This Roger Mosvick 
& Robert Nelson
1-57112-069-6 1996, Park Avenue
How to Make Meetings Work Michael Doyle 
& David Straus
0-515-09048-4 1976, Jove Books
Orchestrating Powerful Regular Meetings William R Daniels 0-89384-231-1 1993, Pfeiffer & Co
Mining Group Gold Thomas A Kayser 1-878567-02-0 1990, Serif Publishing
Team-Managed Facilitation - Critical Skills for Developing Self-Sufficient Teams Dennis C Kinlaw 0-88390-338-5 1993, Pfeiffer & Company
The New Teamwork - Developing and Using Cross-Function Teams Marshall Sashkin 
& Molly G Sashkin
0-8144-2353-1 1994, AMACOM
Shared Expectations AT&T Quality Steering Committee, et.al. 0-932764-42-8 1994, AT&T Bell Labs
The Art of Focused Conversation - 100 Ways to Acess Group Wisdom in the Workplace Brian Stanfield, et. al. 0-921690-57-6 1997, Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs
Miracle at Philadelphia - The Story of the Constitutional Convention Catherine Drinker Bowen 0316-10398-5 1986 (republish), Little Brown

On Leadership Development & Management Development (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Authentic Leadership Robert Terry  1-55542-547-X 1993, Jossey-Bass
Top Management Strategy Benjamin Tregoe 
& John Zimmerman
0-671-25402-2 1980, Touchstone
Managing Beyond the Ordinary - Using Collaboration to Solve Problems, Make Decisions and Achieve Extraordinary Results Charles S Kepner 
& Hirotsugu Ikubo
0-8144-0336-0 1996, AMACOM
Four Levers of Corporate Change Peter Brill 
& Richard Worth
0-8144-0339-5 1997, AMACOM
The CEO Paradox - The Privilege and Accountability of Leadership Thomas R Horton 0-8144-5093-8 1992, AMACOM
Caught in the Middle - A Leadership Guide for Partnership in the Workplace Rick Maurer 1-56327-004-8 1992, Productivity Press
Synchronicity - The Inner Path of Leadership Joseph Jaworski 1-881052-94-X 1996, Berrett-Koehler
The Management Compass - Steering the Corporation Using Hoshin Planning Michele L Bechtell 0-8144-2358-2 1995, AMACOM
A Better Place to Work - A New Sense of Motivation Leading to High Productivity Adolf Haasen 
& Gordon F Shea
0-8144-2363-9 1997, AMACOM
Smart Leadership Anthony Vlamis 0-8144-2367-1 1999, AMACOM
Blueprints for Continuous Improvement - Lessons from the Baldridge Winners Richard M Hodgetts 0-8144-2352-3 1992, AMACOM

On Organization Development, Change, Effectiveness Psychology & Capability (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Organization Development and Transformation Wendel French, 
Cecil Bell 
& Robert Zawacki
0-256-10339-9 1994, 4th Edition, Irwin
Transforming the Mature Information Technology Organization Robert Zawacki, 
Carol Norman, 
Paul Zawacki 
& Paul Applegate
0-9646910-0-0 1995, Eaglestar
The Northbound Train - Finding the Purpose, Setting the Direction, Shaping the Destiny of Your Organization Karl Albrecht 0-8144-0233-X 1994, AMACOM
Four Levers of Corporate Change Peter Brill 
& Richard Worth
0-8144-0339-5 1997, AMACOM
Technology and Applications
Carl Di Pietro
Chapter 15 (Meetingware and Organizational Effectiveness)
0-13-305194-3 1995, Prentice-Hall
Graffiti Wannabes - My! How You Talk About Change in the Work Place Anthony Crawford 0-9698952-0-8 1994, Crawford Explanations Series
The Fifth Discipline - The Art and Practive of the Learning Organization Peter M Senge 0-385-26095-4 1990, Currency Doubleday
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook - Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization Peter M Senge, et.al. 0-385-47256-0 1994, Currency Doubleday
Tom Peters Seminar - Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations Tom Peters 0-679-75493-8 1994, Vintage
Liberation Management - Necessary Disorganization for the Nanosecond Nineties Tom Peters 0-449-90888-7 1992, Fawcett/Columbine (Ballantine)
In Search of Excellence - Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies Tom Peters 
& Robert Waterman
0-446-37844-5 1982, Warner Books
Future Perfect Stan Davis 0-201-32795-3 1996, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley
Danger in the Comfort Zone - From Boardroom to Mailroom - How to Break the Entitlement Habit That's Killing American Business Judith M Bardwick 9-8144-5059-8 1991, AMACOM
The High-Value Manager - Developing the Core Competencies Your Organization Demands Florence M Stone 
& Randi Sachs
0-8144-7908-1 1995, AMACOM
Fatal Illusions - Shredding a Dozen Unrealities That Can Keep Your Organization From Success James R Lucas 0-8144-7966-9 1997, AMACOM
Organizational Architecture - Designs for Changing Organizations David A Nadler, 
Marc S Gerstein, 
Robert B Shaw, et.al.
1-55542-443-0 1992, Jossey-Bass

On Decision Making, Negotiation & Problem Solving (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Decision Traps - 10 Barriers to Brilliant Decision making and How to Overcome Them Edward Russo 
& Paul Shoemaker
0-671-72609-9 1989, Fireside
Problem Seeking William Pena 0-913962-87-2 1987, AIA Press
Getting to Yes - Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In Roger Fisher 
& William Ury
0-14-01-5735-2 1991, 2nd Edition, Penguin Books
Getting Past No - Negotiating Your Way From Confrontation to Cooperation William Ury 0-553-37131-2 1993, Bantam Books
Yes or No - The Guide to Better Decisions Spencer Johnson 0-06-061857-9 1992, HarperCollins
Techniques of Structured Problem Solving Arthur Van Gundy, Jr 0-442-28847-6 1988, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Group Decision Support Systems for Effective Decision Making Robert Thierauf 0-89930-409-5 1989, Greenwood Press

On Collaboration, Teamwork & Participation (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
The Wisdom of Crowds - Why the Many Are Smarter than the Few and Hoow Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations James Surowiecki 0-385-50386-5 2005, Doubleday
The Power of Indirect Influence Judith C Tingley 0-8144-7050-5 2001, AMACOM
The Performance Culture: Maximizing the Power of Teams Dr Darrel Ray 0-9709505-0-0 2001, IPC Press
Teaming Up: Making the Transition to a Self-Directed Team-Based Organization Dr Darrel Ray 0-07-051646-4 1995, McGraw-Hill
Team-Based Organizations: Developing a Successful Team Environment James H Shonk 0-7863-1124-X 1997, 2nd Edition, Irwin
Successful Team Building Graham Wilcocks 
& Steve Morris
0-7641-0073-4 1997, Barron's Educational Series
Building Productive Teams Glenn H Varney 1-55542-180-6 1989, Josey-Bass
Winning Through Participation Laura Spencer 0-8403-6196-3 1989, Kendall / Hunt
Keeping Teams on Track:What to Do When the Going Gets Rough Linda Moran, 
Ed Musselwhite 
& John Zenger 
0-7863-0475-8 1996, Irwin
Participation Works:Business Cases from Around the World James Troxel 0-917917-03-0 1993, Miles River
Team Building: Issues and Alternatives William Dyer 0-201-18037-5 1987, 2nd Edition Addison-Wesley
Shared Minds: The New Technologies of Collaboration Michael Schrage 0-394-56587-8 1990, Random House
Shared Participation:Finding Group Solutions for Personal, Corporat and Community Problems Warren Avis 0-385-05904-3 1973, Doubleday
Transforming the Way We Work: The Power of the Collaborative Workplace Edward M Marshall 0-8144-7897-2 1995, AMACOM
Zapp! - The Ligntning of Empowerment William C Byham 
with Jeff Cox
0-449-90705-8 1988, Fawcett Columbine

On Communication and Networking (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Communicoding - Learn to Talk the Way the Other Half Thinks Marcia Cherney, 
Susan Tynan 
& Ruth Feldman
0-14-01-4355-6 1989, Penguin Press
Please Understand Me - Character & Temperment Types David Kersey 
& Marilyn Bates
0-9606954-0-0 1984, 5th Edition, Promethus Nemesis
Seeing with the Mind’s Eye - The History, Techniques and Uses of Visualization Mike & Nancy Samuels 0-394-73113-1 1975, Random House / Bookworks
Flip Charts - How to Draw Them and How to Use Them Richard Brandt 0-88390-031-9 1986, Pfeiffer & Co
Networking Smart - How to Build Relationships for Personal and Organizational Success Wayne E Baker 0-07-005092-9 1994, McGraw-Hill
Breakthrough Networking - Buliding Relationships That Last Lillian J Bjorseth 0-9648839-0-2 1996, Duoforce Enterprises

On Creativity, Innovation and Thinking (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
blink - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcolm Gladwell 0-316-17232-4 2005, Little, Brown & Co
The Tipping Point - How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Malcolm Gladwell 0-316-31696-2 (HC)
0-316-34662-4 (PB)
2000, Little, Brown & Co
The Innovator's Dilemna - The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business Clayton M Chrinsensen 0-06-052199-6 2000, HarperBusiness
2003 HarperBusiness Essentials
The Innovator's Solution - Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth Clayton M Chrinsensen 1-57851-852-0 2003, Harvard Business School Press
A Whack on the Side of the Head Roger von Oech 0-9111121-00-5 1992, Creative Think
Idea Doc’s RX Robert Bapes 1-57502-329-6 1996, Morris
Use Both Sides of Your Brain Tony Buzan 0-462-26603-3 1989, 3rd Edition, Plume
de Bono’s Thinking Course Edward de Bono 0-8160-1895-2 1982, Facts on File
Lateral Thinking Edward de Bono 06-011007-4 1970, Harper & Row
Mindmapping - Your Personal Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-Solving Joyce Wycoff 0-425-12780-X 1991, Berkley Publishing
Creating Minds - An Anatomy of Creativity As Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, etc. Howard Gardner 0-465-01454-2 1993, Basic Books (HarperCollins)
Blueprints for Innovation - How Creative Processes Can Make You and Your Company More Competitive Charles W Prather 
& Lisa K Gundry
0-8144-3259-0 1995, AMACOM
Lightning Strategies for Innovation - How the World's Best Firms Create New Products Willard I Zangwill 0-02-935675-X 1993, Lexington Books
What A Great Idea - Key Steps Creative People Take Charles "Chic" Thompson 0-06-096901-6 1992, HarperCollins
99% Inspiration - Tips, Tales & Techniqies for Liberating Your Business Creativity Bryan W Mattimore 0-8144-7788-7 1992, AMACOM
A Whack on the Side of theHead: How You Can Be More Creative Roger von Oech 0-911121-00-5 1983, 1992, Creative Think








On Quality Management (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Quality Is Free - The Art of Making Quality Certain Phillip B Crosby 0-451-62585-4 1979, Mentor
The Deming Management Method Mary Walton 0-399-55000-3 1986, Perigree / Putnam










On Business/Marketing Strategy Planning (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Blue Ocean Strategy - How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant W Chan Kim and
Renee Maubourgne
1-59139-619-0 2005, Harvard Business School Press
Marketing Magic - Innovative Tips on Marketing, Media & Public Relations from Some of America's Cutting-Edge Leaders Rosemary Walter, Brian Tracy, Robert Bly, Jay Conrad Levinson 1-932863-27-3 2005, Insight Publishing
The Vest Pocket CEO - Decision-Making Tools for Executives Alexander Hiam 0-13-9411691-9 1990, Prentice-Hall
The Vest Pocket MARKETER - Classic Marketing Tools for Executives Alexander Hiam 0-13-932302-3 1991, Prentice-Hall

On Humor, Inspiration, Success (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
First Encounters - A Book of Memorable Meetings Nancy C Sobel 
& Edward Sobel
0-679-43119-5 1994, Alfred A Knopf
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - An Inquiry Into Values Robert M Pirsig 0-553-27747-2 1981 (republish), Bantam Books
Focusing Eugene T Gendlin 0-553-27833-9 1979, Bantam Books
Megatrends - Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives John Naisbitt 0-446-35681-6 1984, Warner Books
Developing a 21st Century Mind Marsha Sinetar 0-345-37648-X 1991, Ballantine Books
The Hidden Dimension - An Anthropologist Examines Humans' Use of Space in Public and in Private Edward T Hall 0-385-08476-5 1969, Doubleday Anchor
One Person Can Make A Difference - Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things Gerald G Jampolsky 0-553-07025-8 1990, Bantam Books
Theory I - Creating Personalized Strategies for Everyday Success Clifford I Sears 0-9634993-1-9 1997, Corporate International Associates
Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will - Lessons Mastering Change-The Principles Jack Welch Is Using to  Revolutionize GE Noel M Tichy 
& Stratford Sherman
0-88730-670-5 1994, HarperCollins

On Games & Group Activities (back to top)
Title Author(s) / Section ISBN Year / Edition / Publisher
Games Trainers Play Edward E Scannell 
& John W Newstrom
0-0704-6408-1w99 1991, Pffeiffer & Company
More Games Trainers Play Edward E Scannell 
& John W Newstrom
0-0705-5045-Xw99 1991, Pffeiffer & Company
Still More Games Trainers Play Edward E Scannell 
& John W Newstrom
0-0704-6427-8w99 1991, Pffeiffer & Company
Even More Games Trainers Play Edward E Scannell 
& John W Newstrom
0-0704-6414-6w99 1991, Pffeiffer & Company
101 Games for Trainers Bob Pike  0-9432-1038-0w99 1997, Pfeiffer & Company
101 More Games for Trainers Bob Pike 0-9432-1044-5w99 1997, Pfeiffer & Company
Square Wheels (Presentation toolkits on themes of Creativity, Change, Motivation, Productivity, Quality and Leadership) Scott Simmerman
1999, Performance Management Company
The Search for The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine (Team Building Simulation) Scott Simmerman
1999, Performance Management Company
The Giant Book of Games Will Shortz 0-8129-1951-3 1991, Times Books/Random House