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MeetingQuality Project Success Family: Project Team Meeting Use Case
Use Case: How MeetingQuality is deployed within a Project Team

This page illustrates the steps a Project Team would follow from issuing meeting invitations, to receiving and submitting the assessments, to receiving and utilizing the metrics and reports.

1. Project Team adds one additional email address to the team’s meeting invitation (

2. As meeting begins, Project Team members receive an
email with a 4-question assessment


3. When meeting ends, attendees complete their meeting assessments
(taking 45 seconds or less)

4. MeetingQuality’s secure server aggregates the results using proprietary and Social Network Analysis algorithms and applies Artificial Intelligence (IBM Watson) to the action items


5. 24 hours after meeting ends, Project Team members are emailed these metrics / reports…

Meeting Promotor Score (MPS)
(peer-rated quality of contribution)
Meeting Quality Score (MQS) versus Project Success Probability (PSP) [red line] over time
Action Items / Feedback (reported anonymously) (author name un-traceable)
Analysis of Action Items / Feedback
over time using Artificial Intelligence (IBM Watson)
  • Marie posed many very challenging and probing questions that Fred answered thoroughly.
  • Due to network problems at startup, we lost 15 minutes, but recovered nicely.
  • Marie will follow up with Fred on Thursday to discuss next steps.
  • There were 3 change issues that we did not have time to review.
  • Fred, we need to arrange for a time to catch-up on these 3 issues?
  • AI: Joy 73% Confident 67%

6. Project team incorporates the discussion & review of metrics and reports  into ongoing project status meetings as part of the development methodology used. MeetingQuality Consulting Partners provide management advisory services by interpreting the results and turning them into real-world solutions…


7. Periodically, project team members are emailed other metrics / reports – such as…

Meeting Promotor Score (MPS)
Network Map
(line color = relationship strength score)
(dot color = average relationship score)

Gender-Based Ratings (MPS)
Note Outliers
(female member [orange] scored 100%
by females but only 65% by males;
male member [red] scored 80% by males
but only 30% by females)
Progress of an Agile Program
Over Time

(Note differently colored gray bars showing MQS for Backlog, Demo and Retro Meetings
Note red line for PSP)